C.A.K.E. Mission
We want to help the younger generation develop creativity through gaming products, promoting positive values: Art, Knowledge and Culture.
Gamification of Cultural Carriers
By using visual elements in the game, cultural carriers are adapted. They refer to cultures from around the world, thanks to which knowledge is transferred in an attractive way for the global user. Through adventure to knowledge.

The hero's progression is based on various types of art, cultural eras and world philosophies. We want the player who enters our game to gain knowledge that will help him achieve his life goals.
The locations in Grand Arcanadia will draw from historical periods and are intended to inspire and teach about different cultures of the world. Historical locations will refer to real objects in the real world. Archaeological locations will be a virtual reconstruction of forgotten and destroyed architectural wonders. Fantasy locations will be completely new designs, inspired by the greatest architectural works in the history of our civilization.
The District of Knowledge in Fantasy City will be a place where the player will be able to discover information related to the greatest thinkers from different eras. This knowledge will be an important part of the narrative of the world of Grand Arcanadia. The information will be processed in such a way as to intrigue, explain and communicate with the player.
The Art District is a place where the player will be able to meet new artists. Each season of the game, new 3D environments for live performances (Digital Stage) will be created, drawing inspiration from art and literature. The performances will help visualize the ethnicity, culture and character of a given artist in order to create unique Artistic Events.
The aim of the game is to help answer important questions asked by the young generation, and also fulfill their needs. One of the key elements of TediBerry Little Metaverse is building an interactive and positive community that will support each and every member not only within the game itself but also in the real world.
Our Meta Game is a project that is based on Artistic and Educational values. Our goal is to intertwine the relationship between these high values that drive the entire world in the TediBerry Little Metaverse and the real world. The project is based on scientific and sociological research, which shows that the young generation absorbs knowledge in ways often not compatible with mainstream education models. For the young generation, short, graphic, but valuable and honest forms are important. Contemporary youth are lost in information chaos and the lack of a real sense of influence and agency. All to common is the experience of inadequacy and hopelessness. That being said, every young person wants to matter in the world, make a mark on reality and make a difference.
To address this, we build our world on the premise of combining pop and high culture in one relatable and easily accessible mixture. All to allow the recipient to find, establish and designate their own value and meaning in it. High culture will be presented using game visuals, mechanics and involvement mechanics relevant and familiar to the contemporary youth. Through this method we will introduce the concepts Ballet, Classical Music, Popular Music, Opera, Musical, Literature, Poetry, Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Film and everything what is important for Culture.