Metaverse Media Platform

Production Platform

We are building the world's first Media Company in the Metaverse, which combines a Computer Game, an Artistic Hub and a Production Platform, and all that is analyzed and adapted for the user via Delphi Oracle AI. The Production Platform is intended to enable the implementation of projects that were previously conceived in the Artistic Hub.

The Production Platform is intended to enable the implementation of projects that were previously conceived in the Artistic Hub.

Production Platform

Hollywood business model in a computer game


Production Platform

The Production Platform will be based on mechanics known from computer games and will enable a new type of content creation. We will facilitate and encourage the production of Films, Series, Computer Games as well as Performances and Artistic Events. These works of culture will be then able to be promoted and monetized in a new way.


The Production Platform gives artists the opportunity to promote their productions through a unique connection to the narrative and mechanics of Grand Arcanadia. Artists will have access to seasonal events, festivals and concerts to promote their content.


The term "Hollywood in a video game" means that we bring the fantastic idea of creative production from Hollywood to the Grand Arcanadia Ecosystem. We want to enable independent artists to create valuable productions in the game and in the real world.

Be part of amazing

We invite Artists, Educational Institutions, Investors and Business Partners in the field of Art, Culture and Technology to cooperate with us.

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